Even if only one code is present, the coder must refer to the main term to ensure that the code is selected accurately and correctly to identify the services rendered.
Main Terms
- Procedures or Services - E.g, Scopic, Anastomosis, Splint, Opening
- Organ or Other Anatomical Site - E.g, Knee, Arm, Ear, Tibia, Colon
- Conditions - E.g, Abscess, Entropion, Tetralogy of Fallot.
- Synonyms, Eponyms, and Abbreviations. - ECG, EEG, PET, Brock Operations, Clagett Procedures
Modifying Terms
EG. The main term "Endoscopy" is subdivided by the anatomical sites in which the procedure is used. And within these anatomical sites, the specific purpose of the procedures is identified.
- Bile Duct
- Removal
- Foreign Body........ 43275
Code Ranges
- Esophagus
- Reconstruction ......... 43300, 43310, 43313
- Anesthesia
- Forearm...............01810-01820, 01830-01860
- Knee
- Exploration .............. 27310,27331